Sambang ke Desa Brigadir M. Helman sosialisasi Larangan adanya Pungutan Liar

Salah satu kegiatan polres Pulang Pisau dalam melakukan sosialisasi adanya pungutan liar di desa Kantan Dalam. Foto : hmsp/ Aditya SK News

SKNEWS, Pulang Pisau – Personil Polsek Pandih Batu, Polres Pulang Pisau, Polda Kalteng Brigadir M. Helman menyambangi Masyarakat, di Desa Kantan Dalam Kecamatan Pandih Batu Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, Senin (23/01/2023)

Sebagaimana dilansir di media sosial milik humas polres bahwa kegiatan sambang desa ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi dan himbauan saber pungli kepada Masyarakat.

Kapolres Pulang Pisau, AKBP Kurniawan Hartono,S.I.K., melalui Kapolsek Pandih Batu Iptu Husni Setiawan menyampaikan kegiatan itu bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi saber pungli kepada masyarakat terkait himbauan pemberi dan penerima pungli sama-sama melanggar hukum.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut Personil Polsek Pandih Batu selalu mengajak dan menyampaikan kepada Masyarakat Desa agar bersama-sama mengawasi tentang Adanya Pungli di Desa.

“Apabila ditemukan adanya indikasi penyelewengan agar segera melaporkan ke Bhabinkamtibmas dan Kantor Polisi terdekat”, Tutup Husni. *.*

Respon (67)

  1. Secure the GPUs onto the frame by using USB risers. Then, plug in PCI-e 6+2 power connectors into the GPUs. Lastly, double-check that all the cables are plugged in properly before booting up the mining rig. Once everything is plugged in, it’s ready to start mining for cryptocurrency. In fact, you can think of a mining rig as a relatively cheap PC with one or more high-performance GPUs attached. You need to connect multiple graphics cards to a single system, which means you also need a motherboard to handle that. You’ll also be looking at more than one power supply unit (PSU) if you’re planning to push things to the extremes. Copyright (c) 2023 – Lemony trade s.r.o.VAT: CZ29043026info@coinario When the methane is run into an engine or generator, 100% of the methane is combusted and none of it leaks or vents into the air, according to Ortolf.
    NewsCrypto is a popular platform that offers educational content and analysis tools for cryptocurrency traders and enthusiasts. They have a “Write and Earn” program where writers can submit articles and earn their native token, NewsCrypto Coin (NWC). The platform focuses on informative and educational articles, tutorials, and trading guides. Transfer your crypto into your PayPal Balance account3 or send some to a friend in just a few steps. MetaGym allows you to earn cryptocurrency based on the completion of different tasks. These can include cardiorespiratory training, strength and resistance training, and even getting adequate sleep. You can earn up to 100 $MGCN per day by completing all of your modalities. You can even lease your avatar to earn from others’ exercise efforts or sell characters directly in the app.

  2. These cards convert stored Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies into whatever fiat currency is needed to make a purchase. Bitcoin debit cards can also be used to withdraw cash from ATMs in whatever fiat currencies the card supports. Just to make it clear, this guide is not a step-by-step guide to all the Crypto features. As mentioned, this guide will just show you how you will be able to withdraw money from Crypto to your bank account. Important: You can only link a bank account with Plaid in the Google Pay app. The first step to transferring crypto to your bank account is to sign in to your Crypto. Visit the website and sign in, which you can also set up with your Google Id. We will explain with all the practical approaches as the crypto app has more than 1 million users, so it’s suitable to explain by performing there.
    Cronos is an EVM-compatible sidechain running alongside the Crypto chain. It works on Delegated Proof of Stake protocol and has a DeFi infrastructure that allows developers to create decentralized applications and move them on other DeFi-compatible chains. CRO is the native crypto powering the chain and the Crypto ecosystem. There are two types of CRO tokens. One is the native token for the chain, and the other is an ERC-20 token. At the moment, the token price is falling along with the rest of the crypto market. The nearest strong resistance level it is likely to rebound from is $0.055. If it’s broken, the next resistance level is $0.032. Comparing CRO with BNB may give you goosebumps when you compare the price points of both these coins. Compared to CRO, Binance BNB coin is dancing at a much higher price range. You may wish to put all your money into CRO given the rise in the price of similar coin. However, you have to keep in mind that Binance is the world’s largest crypto exchange and Crypto is still evolving.

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