Percantik Kota Dengan Penambahan Fasilitas Taman

Salah satu objek wisata keluarga yang ada di pusat kota Pulang Pisau yaitu Taman bawi kuwu yang memiliki fasilitas untuk bersantai dan juga tanaman yang cantik menambah indahnya taman ini. Foto : Aditya SKNews.
SK News, Pulang Pisau – Dikenalkan oleh runner up 1 duta pariwisata, daerah pulang pisau telah memiliki penambahan lokasi rekreasi keluarga di pusat kota pulang pisau, namanya taman bawi kuwu.

Melalui Dinas PUPR Pulang Pisau pemerintah daerah terus melakukan berbagai inovasi dalam rangka membangkitkan geliat ekonomi masyarakat di sekitar taman kota .

Taman bawi kuwu namanya, taman kota ini dibangun sempurna menggunakan anggaran Pemkab Pulang Pisau tahun 2021 – 2022 hingga taman ini terlihat cantik dan dapat digunakan untuk kegiatan masyarakat.

Taman di tata rapi dengan warna warni serta berbagai fasilitas yang disediakan, sementara beberapa larangan juga diterapkan didalamnya namun demikian taman ini juga memberikan nilai positif untuk masyarakat kota pulang pisau melepaskan penat dengan rekreasi di wilayah kota.

Melalui taman ini, Ludvia salah seorang siswi sma negeri 1 kahayan hilir meng-explor taman ini untuk dikenalkan ke khalayak umum agar keberadaannya memberikan daya tarik tersendiri bagi pengunjung.

“ Taman bawi kuwu merupakan taman yang berada di pusat kota Kabupaten Pulang Pisau, taman ini banyak memiliki fasilitas dan tanaman yang tersusun rapi sehingga dapat menjadi salah satu opsi untuk berlibur dan bersantai saat ke kota Pulang Pisau, mari berkunjung ke taman ini. “ ucap Ludvia.

Setiap hari taman ini menjadi referensi masyarakat dalam melakukan aktifitas mulai dari sekedar berfoto, belajar diluar ruang, senam hingga jalan – jalan, namun demikian masyarakat dihimbau untuk menjaga dengan baik semua fasilitas yang ada agar terus bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. *.*

Respon (67)

  1. Schoar and Makarov used public and proprietary sources to link Bitcoin addresses to real entities to build a database documenting the evolution of the Bitcoin market from 2015 to 2021. They downloaded blockchain data using the open source software Bitcoin Core and used the BlockSci analysis tool to parse raw data into individual transactions. The rate at which coins are issued is set by the mining code, ensuring that the time it takes for a miner to win a block is always approximately 10 minutes. This is to protect the system and prevent miners from creating their own Bitcoin. With Bitcoin prices hitting around $23,000 US dollars, there may not be many Bitcoin billionaires. The Winklevoss twins are Bitcoin billionaires while the price is above $10,000, since they own more than 100,000 BTC. So they are well beyond Bitcoin billionaires!
    The Bitcoin total supply is stable and predefined at 21 million Bitcoins. More Bitcoins cannot be issued as a result BTC won’t be debased. Bitcoin’s blockchain inherent rules guarantee that only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist. On May 11, 2020, BTC experienced its third block reward halving. Today around 900BTC are mined every 24 hours. It will be halved once every four years or so till the last bitcoin has been mined. In actuality, the final bitcoin is hardly to be mined till around the year 2140. Additionally, there are no storage costs as Bitcoins do not take up any physical space regardless of the amount. Currently, the Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency that has the biggest nominal market price and the largest market capitalization. Its importance is such that it is considered unique, treating the rest of digital currencies as Alternative Coins (altcoins). In this group, we can find open source systems such as Ethereum, Ripple or Litecoin.

  2. Thank you for the answer! Once you have your Dogecoin wallet it’s time to get your Dogecoin address. A Dogecoin address is a long string of letters and numbers that starts with a capital D followed by a number or another capital letter. Here’s an example: Dogecoin was originally a cryptocurrency invented by software engineers, who decided to create a payment system that is instant, fun, and free from traditional banking fees. Well, why own the digital cryptocurrency when you can get your hands on a Physical Doge Coin that is invaluable and a great conversation piece! Both Dogecoin cryptocurrency & our Physical Doge Coin features the face of the Shiba Inu dog from the “Doge” meme as its logo and namesake. Dogecoin may pan out for short-term traders willing to gamble, but this ‘meme’ crypto is not for long-term investors.
    A common feature in the altcoin scene is that the people who discover a new token first make a large portion of the profits. “Personally, I think that it’s inevitable that SafeMoon crashes,” Moore says. “By the time most people find out about SafeMoon, it’ll probably be too late to make any short-term earnings.” That gets to the crux of the matter. While SafeMoon may end up being a good project, that doesn’t necessarily make the token a buy at the height of its initial hype cycle. SafeMoon, like most memecoins, began by mocking the cryptocurrency craze. It quickly went viral and gained traction. The SafeMoon team quickly recognized its potential and launched the SafeMoon Wallet. Over time, the group has learned to rely on its power. Nobody could have guessed how quickly SafeMoon would take off when it was initially launched. However, if you missed the SafeMoon boat, prepare to board the ship for these five bullish markets before time runs out.

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